St. Peter Lutheran Church
1st & 3rd Sundays: 9:00 am Worship Service, 10:15 am Sunday School
2nd & 4th Sundays: 11:00 am Worship Service, 9:30 am Sunday School

Please join us for worship on Sunday. Saint Peter is the traditional worship service and congregation that you grew up with.

Saint Peter offers several ministries to help educate individuals and families in order to bring them closer to God and renew their faith.

We are a North American Lutheran Church (NALC) that is Christ-centered, mission driven, traditionally grounded & congregationally focused.
Pastor’s Blog
The Latest News & Updates
One-Two Punch
One-two Punch By Pastor Clint The month of February highlights both Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine’s Day all in the same week! It’s a one-two punch, and as Lutheran Christians, I think it can also be a great reminder of the two main teachings of the Bible!?!...
Pastor Clint Pluenneke
Howdy! I’m Pastor Clint Pluenneke, and I would like to share a little about myself as I begin my ministry at St. Peter. I love being a pastor, and I love serving the Lord here in the Texas Hill Country! I am a sixth generation Texan with roots in Fredericksburg where...
New Year, New Opportunities
New Year, New Opportunities By Pastor David As we approach the end of the yearand the beginning of another I alwayslook for some sound advice that we canapply to our lives.St. Paul writes several things in his letters to the early Christian churches,usually...